The ReThink product addresses, in an age-appropriate way, the middle school student's development. My school's philosophy proclaims its four tenets as "belonging-empathy-respect-trust," and empathy is always the trickiest. The ReThink app taps into this need, to provide students the in-the-moment guidance, in a way that isn't intrusive or over-bearing. It's a transitional tool to slowly guide young users as they move away from their parents'/guardians' influence to being responsible, independent thinkers. Trisha - Thank you for sharing your work and your passion. Blessings as you continue on your journey
Middle School Teacher - Wayland, MA, USA
The Department of Attorney General has two customized programs to protect children across the state: OK2SAY - Michigan's student safety program and the Michigan Cyber Safety Initiative. Both programs are free, and they feature content tailored specifically for each grade level. ReThink is exactly the type of program that helps prevent peer mistreatment which is why we are proud to feature ReThink in our programming. You are making a difference each and every day.
Attorney General's Office - State of Michigan, USA
Trisha, we were extremely inspired by your advocacy on ReThink Before the Damage is Done. Last year, our district had 5 suicides and we are looking for proactive ways of helping to save lives. The counselors in our larger school district would like to invite you to speak to our middle school students, 6-8 grade. We are so impressed by your movement that we will be contacting our Director in hopes that you can address the entire School District!!
School Counselor - Texas School District, USA
I work for a non-profit student development organization that partners with over 20 high schools. At my particular school, there have been several fights per week since 2015 that have stemmed from social media interactions. These fights and violence has caused harm to our school and it distracts students from learning. I look forward to bringing ReThink to our schools
Social Worker - Chicago, IL, US
I am the parent of a 13 year old girl and have found what the kids are taking in from each other on a daily basis is very disheartening. There have been many instances of negative and out right mean words and acts towards, not only at my daughter but so many others that I think "there has to be another way!" Our school district just implemented new technologies to the curriculum and feel they should be taking some responsibility on how to keep kids safe and to not make it another monitoring job for the parents. This seems like it could be a great starting point and hope to see it available soon at our school! What an inspiring teen! Thank you Trisha!
Parent from a Middle school - Waltham, MA, USA
I just heard Trisha of Chicago, USA on India's TV channel Star plus in the programme titled "TED talk" hosted by Sharukh Khan. Being an Sr.Citizen, my blessings & best wishes to Trisha for such an commendable work, at such an young age,- by developing such an innovative, highly useful 'App'.
Raja Sonalkar - Mumbai, India
Our school has always been thought of as a bad place to grow up. Being that I was bullied growing up I want my children to never have to face that. My son, only 6 years old has seen the face of bullying online already. I think this will help immensely!
Parent - Battle Creek, MI, USA
We would like to adopt ReThink to avoid cybersexism and violence against women. In this perspective, we would be really interested in trying ReThink, as we believe it is one of the best way to avoid cybersexism!
Organization focused on Violence against Woman - Paris, France
Hi Trisha, My name is Kaitlyn and I Am in 8th grade. I have chosen to do my teenager innovator essay on you and ReThink, because you are such an inspiration. I love what you are doing and how impactful this will be. Thank you so so much for what you are doing. It will really make a difference.
Student - Los Angeles, CA, USA
ReThink: the most effective tool for your school!
Our ReThink program specialists will customize a roll-out plan that fits your school's technology needs and curriculum.